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A Smarter Way To Manage Content

Posted on Monday, March 4th, 2013 at 4:47 pm    

hubYears ago, we made a conscious choice to transition our sites away from ASP/ .NET and embrace  WordPress as a standard across all of our client sites.  The ease of use and flexibility that are inherent with that CMS made the decision a no-brainer.  Now, our content team is able to update sites in a matter of minutes when a request comes in from a client.

Even with the convenience factors that have made this platform the world’s dominant content management system, big problems still arise when managing hundreds of WordPress sites across a plethora of hosts and IPs.  Simply from a content uploading perspective, having to open up and pick through a spreadsheet with hundreds of user names and passwords every time you want to get into a site becomes quite the chore.  Want to test a module over all of your sites?  Get ready for an all night marathon and carpal tunnel syndrome.

We needed a solution that would give us the ability to do a lot of things from one central hub and it seems we have found one that fills our requirements and much more.  After a lot of research, we came to the conclusion that InfiniteWP is the answer we’ve been looking for.  Not only can we upload to and edit any of our sites from one place, we are able to check analytics;  globally install, configure and test modules; check analytics;  schedule backups and a lot more, from one place.

If you’re managing more than one WordPress site and want to make the most of your time and efforts, it’s time to sit up and take notice of this revolutionizing product.