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Bing: “The Decision Engine”

Posted on Thursday, June 25th, 2009 at 11:45 am    

Microsoft has recently released a new search engine called Bing. They hope to use this engine to cut into Google’s share of the search engine market and possibly overtake it. However, whether or not this will work is very much up in the air.

As far as the usefulness of a search engine, Bing is not very different from Google. Search results are much the same, but are presented in a different way. Bing has added categories and changed the presentation of multimedia searches. But will this be enough to bring down Google? Probably not.

At this point, Bing is fighting Google on a name brand basis. If it does well enough, Google will likely make changes in its interface to keep its current users and draw back its former users. This is simply how businesses work and compete, benefitting the consumer in the end.

About TSEG:

TSEG is a company that provides search engine optimization, web design, content development and other services. If you would like more information, contact us at (512) 394-7234.